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Membership Levels and Rates

Membership Levels and Rates

  • Senior Members Active - £20 per club year (16 years and above)
  • Honorary - Free (Awarded on merit and reviewed periodically)
  • Associate Member - Free (Partner of Active members)
  • Junior Members - Free per club year (Age 7-16 Years accompanied by Parent or Guardian)

The Society's Third Party Indemnity Insurance Cover is included in the annual fee.

CMS year starts March 1st of each year. New members are always welcome to join.

From 1st October rates are discounted by 50%.

Please read the Rules and Constitution below before filling in this application form (left mouse click which shall download a pdf format for printing and submittal).

Application Process

If you agree with the aims of Cwmbran Modelling Society (CMS) and agree to abide by CMS rules which have been set out to protect the membership of the Society, the general public, Lake Wildlife and the amenities that we use. then please use one of the following methods to join us;

  1. Come along on a Sunday morning or Wednesday afternoon, with or without a boat. The Society allows temporary sailing, for a limited period, for prospective new members that may wish to join. Speak with the members present and they shall guide you through the process.
  2. Apply for an application pack from by emailing - cms_1972@aol.com
  3. Print off a copy of the Constitution Society Rules for your own records and print off a copy of the application form. Bring them along to the lake and pass them to a member.

Society Rules (2023)

The following rules supersede all other rules, as set out by this Society.

  1. New members must sign a membership application form stating that they agree to abide by the society constitution and rules and any amendments made to them over the period of their membership.
  2. Junior membership applications, under the age of consent, must be countersigned by a parent or guardian.
  3. Junior members under the age of consent must be supervised by a parent or guardian when attending all society activities.
  4. Society membership agreement will be confirmed by the payment of the membership fee.
  5. Membership Fees are due annually at the date of the A.G.M. Members who have not paid will be given three months grace to make payment. After that time membership will cease and the member will not be covered by the Society's Public Liability Insurance.
  6. Membership cards must be carried at all times when attending club functions, and produced if requested by any other club member.
  7. As far as practical it is hoped by the society that each member will make the effort to attend a minimum of three society evening meetings and two other organised events over the society membership year.
  8. Wilful damage to property under jurisdiction of the society will not be tolerated, nor any misdemeanour, considered by the officers to be against the interest of the society.
  9. Under no circumstances will the handling of another members property or model be allowed, unless prior agreement has been obtained from that member or under an emergency condition.
  10. All transmitter aerials over 37cms/15inchs must have additional eye protection fitted at their tip. This should be the approximate size of a table tennis ball.
  11. All models must be used with due consideration to members of the general public, other members models and wildlife.
  12. Members displaying models do so at their own risk. The society will not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to any members property or model howsoever caused.
  13. The use of internal combustion engine models is not allowed.
  14. The Society may from time to time wish to provide models for non-society members to operate under supervision of a Society member or members.

Constitution (2023)

The following constitution supersedes all other constitutions, as set out by this Society.

Society Name

  1. The club shall be known as Cwmbran Modelling Society

Terms of Reference

  1. To encourage the activities and the hobbies of the model building enthusiast, encompassing all fields of interest in modelling.
  2. The society shall be run on a non-profit making basis; all monies raised being for the benefit of all society members.
  3. In the event of the society being disbanded, all monies surplus, after settlement of outstanding commitments, will be donated to a registered charity.

Society Structure

  1. Four elected officers shall run the society, Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
  2. The elected officers will serve for a two-year period, for continuity of control of the Society, the Chairperson and Treasurer will be elected one year and the Vice-Chairperson and Secretary the next..
  3. All meeting-attending members, including the Chairperson, shall have one vote on all matters arising.
  4. In the event of a hung vote, the matter will be debated again and voted for at the next meeting. In the event of the vote still being tied the motion will be cancelled.
  5. The Accounting year will be from 1st January - 31st December.
  6. The Society Membership year will be from 1st March - end of February.
  7. A reduced fee will be introduced from the 1st October to the end of the Society Membership year.
  8. Using the following formula the annual Members Society fee will be calculated by the Treasurer and proposed at the AGM.

    Annual Fee = Club Expenditure for forthcoming year / Estimated Number of Society Members

    Society Discount = Account Balance Continuance fund / Estimated Number of Society Members

    Proposed Members Fee = Annual Fee - Society Discount [ Rounded off ]

General Meetings

  1. All Society members will be informed digitally or in writing, not less than a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of a called general meeting. An agenda of the meeting topics must be included with the notification.
  2. The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting in February to carry out the following:
    • Elect the Officers for the Society (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer)
    • Approve the Societies accounts and appoint an Auditor for the forth-coming year
    • If required, change the Constitution and Rules
    • If required, change the Financial and Membership year
    • Set the Annual Membership fee (s)
    • Grant Honorary Membership (Honorary Membership will be automatically annulled if the member fails to contact or support the society over a two year period, this action will not require an AGM to ratify.)
  3. If any of the above listed items need amending during the year, then a Special General Meeting must be called by the society itself.
  4. Members themselves may request a Special General Meeting to take place. This requires a minimum of seven society members to notify in writing to the secretary the reason for the meeting.
  5. All meetings must, where a decision is required, be a quorum or greater, minimum requirement being seven society members, irrespective of status. One of the society elected officers must be present to act as chairperson.
  6. At all general meetings, full minutes must be taken, the minutes of the meeting to be circulated to all members within one month.

Officers Duties

  1. The officers will make the decisions on a day to day running of the society, excluding matters, which require the approval of a general meeting.
  2. The officers are empowered to take disciplinary action against any offending society member.
  3. The officers should consult the members, where appropriate, before making decisions.
  4. Decisions that require to be made, not requiring full approval, require to be agreed by two officers.
  5. No officers acting in accordance with society policy will be held solely responsible for any debts incurred on behalf of the society. Officers acting contrary to society policy must be prepared to accept full responsibility for their actions.


  1. The treasurer will keep a full set of accounts, which must be audited annually. The accounts must be presented at the AGM for approval by the members present.
  2. The societies finance will be arranged through a suitable banking concern and applications for withdrawal must be submitted with the requisite number of signatures. This will be as indicated by the bank concerned, but under no circumstance will less than two signatures withdrawal system be accepted by the Society.